Dorota Muszytowska, Etos chrześcijańskiej wspólnoty. Socjoretoryka Listu Jakuba (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo UKSW 2016)
Journal Title: The Biblical Annals - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 1
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Authors and Affiliations
Wojciech Pikor
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Wojciech Pikor
Massimo Grilli, Il Vangelo secondo Giovanni. Elementi di introduzione e teologia (Biblica; Bologna: Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna 2016)
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Shane J. Wood, The Alter-Imperial Paradigm. Empire Studies & the Book of Revelation (Biblical Interpretation Series 140; Leiden – Boston: Brill 2016)
recenzja książki
Tożsamość „martwych” (οἱ νεκροί) w świetle Ap 20,4-5
The article analyzes the term οἱ νεκροί, in Rev 20,4-5. All scholars examining this text assume that the term hoi nekroi should be interpreted here literally, i.e. it denotes the dead in a physical meaning (as people who...
Obraz Boga w przekazie Czwartej Księgi Machabejskiej
The Fourth Book of Maccabees (4 Macc.) ‒ although being a philosophical and rhetorical work that mainly deals with the issue of overcoming passion by means of „pious reason” ‒ contains a number of references to God which...
Monika Mikuła, ̔ Ελληνιστὶ γινώσκεις; Podręcznik do nauki greki chrześcijańskiej (Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Sub Lupa 2013)
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