Dosar 1990. 28 de ani de la alegerile din 20 mai 1990, alegerile fondatoare ale sistemului politic românesc postcomunist
Journal Title: Sfera Politicii - Year 2018, Vol 26, Issue 1
The file presents at the beginning some relevant passages of the law under which the first free elections of the Romanian post-communist party were held – they provide technical details on the election and on the assignment of the mandates and also complement the image of the electoral moment. These are followed by a synthesis of the electoral results, as well as the data themselves, presented in tabular form. They provide the general picture of the electoral moment, and at the same time represent an useful tool for social scientists. Everyone interested will find below an unique source of synthesized and compacted electoral data, distributed on constituencies for the Assembly of Deputies and the Senate.
A Limited Friendship. Eurocommunism Seen From The Socialist Republic of Romania
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Cercetare sociologică. Furiile, speranțele și dezamăgirile studenților după #colectiv
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Gender equality – stakes increase public visibility and audience share
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Alegeri locale 2016. Sub semnul „revoluției politice“?
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New media în alegerile prezidenţiale din 2009
Scholars have seldom tested the innovation and normalization paradigm of e-campaigning over time but not so much in Romania. This article presents an integrated quantitative analysis of the functional, content-related an...