Duch przy Błoniach w Krakowie.
Journal Title: Builder - Year 2018, Vol 253, Issue 8
THE SPIRIT BY BŁONIA. The authors delineate the history of Błonia in Cracow. Błonia is a green undeveloped meadow in the heart of the City. Its vastness and location make it a unique place in Europe. The authors present the outstanding example of spatial planning, which is the Avenue of Marechal Ferdinand Foch. This boulevard is the southside frontage of Błonia and includes the foremost architectural achievement. An exposition/office building designed by Biuro Architektoniczne Barycza i Saramowicza will be erected at a perfect location by Cracow Błonia and form the westernmost end of Marechal Foch Avenue in Cracow. This unique edifice ought not to be construed as space and volume but as a form of coppice, grass and greenery. The crux of this architectural form of expression is brise-soleil, which has a form of tree branches, flowers and blades of grass. The spatial form of the building does not constitute a classical facade. Hence, the building, still at the design stage, is not interpreted as a volumetric construction. The idea behind its design is to hoist the vast sward of Błonia into the third dimension. KEYWORDS: Modern Polish architecture, modern architecture in Cracow, history of Błonia in Cracow, innovatory public utility buildings, mimetic architecture, brise-soleil<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Rafał Barycz, Paweł Saramowicz
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