Duchowość osób świeckich trzeciego tysiąclecia w trojakiej godności i misji Chrystusa.
Journal Title: Studia Ełckie - Year 2018, Vol 20, Issue 2
The article describes the spirituality of lay people of the third millennium. It involves the participation of Christians in the triple dignity and mission of Christ. New trends in the 21st century spirituality have been briefly discussed. They have been inspired by the Second Vatican Council. The broader context of the article was the universal call to holiness, which is a basis of Christian spirituality, and is the consequence of receiving baptism. As it is known, all people are called to holiness - not just consecrated persons but also lay people. One and only holiness is expressed in different ways in individuals who strive for perfect love in their chosen condition. The lay faithful pursue their vocation to holiness, living in the world, and give an example of the unity of life and of faith. The article deals with the spirituality of the third millennium: the cultural and social and spiritual-religious trends, the baptismal spirituality of the laity, and the universal vocation to holiness in response to the call of the Second Vatican Council to promote Christianity in the dignity and mission of Christ (priestly, prophetic and royal).
Authors and Affiliations
Helena Kuczyńska
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