Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem (Myrosław Trofymuk, Łаtynomowna literatura Ukrajiny XV–XIX st.: żanry, motywy, іdeji, Wydawnyctwo LNU іm. Franka, Lwiw 2014, сс. 380)
Journal Title: Studia Polsko-Ukraińskie - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue
Authors and Affiliations
Людмила Шевченко-Савчинська
Kazania ukraińskie w cieniu Reformacji i Renesansu
One of the first edificatory miscellany in Ukrainian lands that survived until now is Uspenski collection compiled on the edge of the XIIth and the XIIIth centuries. Different types of edificatory miscellanies such as Pr...
Duo cum faciunt idem, non est idem (Myrosław Trofymuk, Łаtynomowna literatura Ukrajiny XV–XIX st.: żanry, motywy, іdeji, Wydawnyctwo LNU іm. Franka, Lwiw 2014, сс. 380)
Шекспірівський метатекст Тодося Осьмачки: художні стратегії візіонеризму, апокаліпсису й палінґенезії
In 2015, Todos’ Os’machka celebrated his 120th anniversary. In the paper, the author outlines Shakespearean motifs in T. Os’machka’s poetry and novellas. The concepts of visionaries, apocalypse, and palingenesis (παλιγγε...
„Жива душа поетова святая...” Шевченко: духовне здійснення слова
The aim of the article by Mykola Zhulinskyy is to analyze the prognostic potential of Taras Shevchenko, who expressed the national spirit in the form of his native language. The author using Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spir...
Professor Zbigniew Wójcik (29 X 1922 ‒ 22 III 2014)