Journal Title: Сімейна медицина - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 3


AG takes the first place in the structure of the prevalence of circulatory system diseases and is one of the main reasons for the release of military men for medical displays. In Europe, prevalence of depression among patients with arterial hypertension ranges from 8,2% to 62,5%, while anxiety disorders are noted in 12,0% to 63,7%. The objective: to study the presence of anxiety and depression in ATO patients with arterial hypertension and to analyze the degree of their severity depending on the stage of the disease. Materials and methods. The study included 119 soldiers, who were divided into groups: the first group (n = 69) – hypertensive patients who participated in the ATO; the second group (n = 30) – patients with hypertension who did not participate in the ATO; control group (n = 20) – healthy faces. Results. In troops, patients with hypertension, who took part in ATO, depression occurs more often (65%) than in the comparison group. At the same time, the most significant stage is noted in patients with І and ІІІ degree of disease. Depressive conditions in military patients with hypertension, who did not participate in АТО were defined in 57% of patients. Disturbances in military personnel suffering from arterial hypertension of ATO participants were detected in 88%. At the same time, the degree of gravity increases with the progression of the disease. The soldiers, patients with hypertension who did not participate in the ATO, the percentage of anxiety states was 40 and their degree of severity was significantly less pronounced. Conclusion. In the management of patients with arterial hypertension, participants of the ATO shall be identified for the presence of anxiety disorders and depression and timely appointed targeted therapy to prevent the rapid progression of the underlying disease and the development of complications.

Authors and Affiliations

М. М. Козачок, М. І. Омеляшко, І. М. Савчук, О. В. Селюк


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  • EP ID EP647915
  • DOI 10.30841/2307-5112.3.2019.178585
  • Views 152
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How To Cite

М. М. Козачок, М. І. Омеляшко, І. М. Савчук, О. В. Селюк (2019). DURABILITY AND DEPRESSIVE STATES IN ATO/OCF PARTICIPANTS WITH ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. Сімейна медицина, 0(3), 43-46. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-647915