Dwa żywioły? O strategii badań i związkach muzyki z literaturą
Journal Title: Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 2
The author proposes in the article the problems of showing works from border regions. The main point of reflection were kinship between literature and music. Literature and music are two autonomous fields that require analytical caution when compiling. Different relationships between these arts often encounter a lot of ineffectiveness. It should be noted, however, that music and literature have been closely related to each other for many years. The main purpose of the chapter is to present research strategies and mutual affinities between these domains and. The problem of overlapping of two areas was addressed in the work. The methodological outline and current positions of researchers in relation to comparative studies are presented. Music in literature is one of the most diverse categories, which is often cited in many works in this field. This is because it covers the thematizing of music, introduces to the world many musical motifs often created in the imagination of the author. Music is often an element of literary fiction and includes the interpenetration of motifs, content elements that shape mutual dependencies. Often this is evident in the creation of the world depicted in the hero's experiences during the heard work, elements of narration associated with the composer himself-musician or even reflections resulting from the impact of music on the lives of individual characters. The subject of considerations was above the presentation of literary and musical constructions, the presentation of intertextual and intermedia dependencies. The article points to selected examples of musical-literary relations in 19th and 20th century literature. Although the presented analyzes are only indicated, the discussed problems constitute a significant problem of Polish literature. They are also an important example of various phenomena directly related to music in a literary work.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Golec
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