Dychotomia konceptualizacji świata w dyskursie instytucjonalnym
Journal Title: Socjolingwistyka - Year 2018, Vol 32, Issue
The article explores ways of describing reality by professional and non-professional interlocutors within the framework of institutionalized functional discourse. The motivation for analysis was the observation of dichotomies of linguistic representation of the world of professionals and ordinary participants of interaction. The aim of the article was to indicate and characterize the differences in the ways of perceiving and describing reality among participants in institutional discourse. As a result of the analysis of lexical units and verbal sequences used in speech, it has been proven that the functionality of institutional discourse is based on transposing primary concepts into specialized concepts. In the process of transposition, the meanings and statuses of subjects and objects of discourse are reconstructed. The methodological basis for the analysis was the pragmatism and praxeological paradigm of efficient action.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Kowalczyk, Piotr Zbróg
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