Dynamics of allergenic pollen in the air of urboecosystem of Ivano-Frankivsk (summer-autumn wave of pollination)
Journal Title: Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy) - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 2
In this article you can find the results of the airborne pollen research of urboecosystem Ivano-Frankivsk city in 2014. The pollen monitoring was held by the gravimetric method with the help of Durham pollen collector. The construction for catching pollen was placed at a height of 24 meters above the ground. It was found two waves of pollination: spring pollination which is characterized by trees pollen, and summer-autumn pollination which begins with crops pollen and ends ruderal herbs pollen. There were pollen grains of crops and nettles in the pollen precipitation of the city during summer-autumn wave of pollination. The contribution of the genus Poaceae to the quality of the annual pollen precipitation was 16.9%, and Urticaceae - 7%. Next there were the genus Ambrosia and Artemisia, whose quantity of pollen precipitation in the city was 3% and 2.8%, in accordance. It was analysed the dynamics of allergenic pollen taxa that are mentioned above in the atmosphere in the city. It was established the duration of pollen season, the beginning and the end of pollination, and also the days with the high content of pollen. In particular, the duration of the pollen season of the genus Poaceae, designed by "95%"method was 69 days; the beginning was recorded 21.50, the end was recorded 28.07. High concentrations of pollen grains were observed in the second decade of May to mid-July, with the exception of days with high humidity and precipitation. The maximum concentration of pollen (285 p. Pp. / M³) was recorded in late June (28.06). Nettles’pollen season lasted 89 days, started 03.06 and ended - 30.08. The level of exceeding of pollen concentration was observed only during four days (28-29.06, 26.07 and 13.08). Pollen season of the genus Artemisia was 51 days; started- 25.07, ended - 14.09. High concentrations of wormwood pollen was recorded in late July and early August. Ambrosia pollen season lasted 52 days; started- 01.08, ended- 21.09. The one-day sharp increase of allergenic ragweed pollen in the air of the city was observed in early September (184 Sec / m³). It was established the presence of a high positive correlation between the content in the air of pollen grains of crops and wormwood and air temperature, but there was low negative correlation between the concentration of pollen grains nettle, wormwood and ragweed and relative humidity. The received data of airborne pollen monitoring can be applied in medical practice of physicians and allergists-immunologists in determining the etiological factor in causing hay fever.
Authors and Affiliations
Г. Мельниченко
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