Dynamics of the development of fisheries industry in Ukraine in 2016-2018 / Динаміка розвитку рибного господарства України у 2016–2018 роках
Journal Title: Рибогосподарська наука України - Year 2019, Vol 48, Issue 2
Purpose. According to the latest statistical studies, in the world as a whole and in Ukraine in particular, there is a tendency to an increase in the consumption of fish products. The purpose of the work is to analyze the dynamics of the development of the fisheries industry of Ukraine in 2016-2018, based on the generalized performance indicators of entities of various forms of ownership. Methodology. The basis of the study were scientific, statistical and report data on the development indicators of fisheries industry of Ukraine. Namely, the implementation of the state policy in the field of fisheries industry, commercial harvest of fish and other aquatic bioresources, propagation of hydrobionts, production of marketable-food fish products, current state of the economics of the Ukraine’s fisheries industry and international cooperation in aquaculture. In addition, the laws of Ukraine, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, resolutions of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine were used. The authors used the methods of retrospective analysis and monitoring of information data on the results of activities in this sector of the national economy. A comparative and statistical analysis of catches of aquatic living bioresources in 2016-2018 was carried out according to generally accepted methods. Findings. The article presents generalized data on the development of the fisheries industry in Ukraine, and addresses current problems and prospects for its development. For example, owing to the gradual implementation of reforms in the fisheries industry in 2017, the total catch of fish and other aquatic living bioresources was 94.2 thousand tons, which is 6.6% more than in 2016. In the same 2017, on the state fish farms, 12.2 million individuals of valuable fish species were received, which is 114.6% of the state norm of their annual reproduction. In 2018, the total catch of aquatic living bioresources in the Black Sea, compared to 2017, increased by 3.3 thousand tons and amounted to 8.6 thousand tons. The catch amount in 2018 in the Black Sea estuaries was 481 tons, which exceeds that in 2017 by 338.8 tons. Thus, there is a positive dynamics in the development of the fish industry of Ukraine. Originality. The article contains an analytical monitoring of the results of changes in the approaches to the organization of activities of various fisheries entities in 2016-2018, achieved primarily due to the gradual implementation of reforms. Considerable technological, economic, organizational and regulatory features for fish farms with various forms of ownership and types of fish farming were taken into account. Summarized information about the dynamics of the development of the fish industry of Ukraine and consistently set out the basic data on the current state of the Ukraine fisheries complex, with taking into account international relations. Practical value. Materials of the article can be used in the work of scientists of biological and agricultural specialties, as well as fish industry workers. In particular, when planning and introducing into life the new fisheries management schemes of Ukraine, both locally and globally.
Authors and Affiliations
Yu. Glebova, O. V. Shkarupa
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