Dyplomacja symboli w stosunkach między Polską a Niemcami na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
Journal Title: Historia i Polityka - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 11
End of the 1980s and early 1990s brought a complete change of almost all factors influencing the position of both Germany and Poland in the international arena. The two countries – for the first time in history – faced the challenge of regulating their neighborly relations based on democratic values and principles of international law. This situation was an opportunity to create the foundations of “good neighborliness and friendly cooperation”, but at the same time once again brought about the need to confront the past – especially the events dating back about 50 years. As it turned out, the two countries not only have not always been in agreement in the mutual perceptions of their place in the new political reality, but disagreed also in the interpretation of common history. In addition, they differ in their views on the shape of mutual relations and prospects for their development. The formal regulation of Polish-German relations in the form of agreements and treaties were confronted with different real-life practice – mainly because of the lack of political will on both sides, coupled with the weakness in terms of implementation of the above documents, and were not enough to solve a number of contentious issues. Also the constant presence in the discussion of current issues and disputes of the historical legacy and resulting burdens did not facilitate conducting a meaningful, to-the-matter dialogue. The article shows the place and role of the past history in contemporary Polish-German relations, how it is used in the political and social discourse, and how it affects the thinking and outlook of the two nations today.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Kącka
Obóz narodowy w obliczu dwóch totalitaryzmów, pod red. R. Sierchuły, Warszawa 2010
Okoliczności budowy stosunków dyplomatycznych pomiędzy Polską a Jugosławią w 1918 roku
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Dominika Sozańska, Chrześcijańska demokracja w Polsce, Kraków 2011
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