Dywagacje o potędze na przestrzeni dziejów w obliczu koncepcji geopolitycznych Halforda J. Mackindera
Journal Title: Historia i Polityka - Year 2012, Vol 0, Issue 8
A fast economic growth has been a distinctive feature of China since the end of 1970s. Due to that reason China has become a second largest economy in the world, and improved significantly quality of lives of its citizens. One of the factors, contributing to China’s success in modernization process, was an access to cheap resources of energy. Another aspects, such as very low wages, as well as nearly no cost workforce, determined an advantage of the Chinese goods and services on the world market. Combination of permanently growing consumption of energy and small deposits of energy resources within its territory caused China to outline a new energy strategy. An energy industry and the government have begun to be responsible for an implementation of the new policies. This study is focused on a crude oil mining, diversification, and transport conducted by China in the past thirty years and within the new energy strategy.
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Rak
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