Działalność wydawnicza oficyny Antoniego Alojzego Gąsiorowskiego

Journal Title: Prace Literaturoznawcze - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 4


The article presents the character and activity of Antoni Alojzy Gąsiorowski, editor, publisher, bookseller, issuer and printer operating chiefly in Masuria. Born to a Polish family, initially acted to the benefit of Poland and national identity. Later on, due to economic and personal reasons, he changed his attitude and became a livid supporter of germanisation. He focused his publishing activity on books and journals issued both in Polish and German. Undoubtedly, his greatest editorial achievement was the “Kurek Mazurski”, in German “Der masurische Hahn”, issued at first in Szczytno, then in Jańsbork (now Pisz) as a result of moving the publishing house. Despite his actions, Gąsiorowski may be seen as an advocate of the Polish identity in Masuria; the works he published, though written in poor Polish, acted to the benefit of popularising the Polish language among local inhabitants of Masuria.

Authors and Affiliations

Marta Małyska


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How To Cite

Marta Małyska (2016). Działalność wydawnicza oficyny Antoniego Alojzego Gąsiorowskiego. Prace Literaturoznawcze, 4(4), 131-138.