Dzieci i ryby głosu nie mają? O kształtowaniu kompetencji społecznych i językowych w procesie nauczania języka rosyjskiego

Journal Title: ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 0


In the modern world, foreign languages are a tool being used in work by many young persons, and as a consequence – students are interested in the practical knowledge of a foreign language. There are not many useful tools to learn Russian on the market, and those available do not satisfy the needs, so we use different methods in the process of teaching – exercises with the elements of competition, games and its mechanics (e.g. our original project of a language game, city language game). It allows us to watch to which extent students are aware of group processes they participate in, and how those processes influence their motivation to learn a foreign language. The results of our research show that the methods we use have the impact on the social competencies of students and the effect they have on each other is linked directly with their motivation to improve their language skills. It is crucial to recognise the impact of group processes on a person, because when these pro- cesses are efficiently managed they become a useful tool in planning the strategy of teaching in order to improve students’ efficiency in obtaining their goals. However, the group influence on a single person and the facilitation are not new issues, they are still interesting and requiring new research.

Authors and Affiliations

Gabriela Sitkiewicz, Joanna Darda-Gramatyka


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  • EP ID EP439800
  • DOI 10.31648/apr.2824
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How To Cite

Gabriela Sitkiewicz, Joanna Darda-Gramatyka (2018). Dzieci i ryby głosu nie mają? O kształtowaniu kompetencji społecznych i językowych w procesie nauczania języka rosyjskiego. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 3(0), 71-88.