Dzieciństwo osamotnione w rodzinie niepełnej. Raport z badań
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2015, Vol 60, Issue 1
Lonely childhood constitutes one of the forms of children’s existence, bringing pain and suffering, which are caused by unfavourable situations and environmental conditions, mainly family-related, towards which a child is helpless, defenceless, and which lead to weakening or breaking the emotional bond between the child, parents, siblings or other family members and which always result in the child feeling lonely. The article is an attempt at a diagnosis of the situation of the child in the environment in which one of the parents is absent. The issues discussed are family determinants which can lead to loneliness. The aim of the research is also to show ways to prevent isolation of the child and to indicate some pedagogical strategies aimed at positive changes that should occur in the life of a child affected by loneliness.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Bożena Matyjas
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