The text in hand discusses the question of whether transmedia archaeology, a discipline focused primarily on seeking parallels between contemporary medial industries and those of the past, may include spatial aspects, or...
The paper deals with the image of Jews in contemporary Polish cabaret. Increasingly, homegrown artists take up the subject of anti-Semitism and intolerance although sometimes they include stereotypical figures, clever Je...
Makary Górzyński (2014). Dziewietnastowieczny park miejski w Kaliszu. Historia, władza i komercja w przestrzeni kultury popularnej. Kultura Popularna, 3(37),
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Trzy dekady badań kompetencji informacyjnych ludności
The media, i.e. ...? The notion of the media with regard to Polish territories before WWII
The text in hand discusses the question of whether transmedia archaeology, a discipline focused primarily on seeking parallels between contemporary medial industries and those of the past, may include spatial aspects, or...
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Wątki żydowskie w polskim kabarecie na początku XXI wieku
The paper deals with the image of Jews in contemporary Polish cabaret. Increasingly, homegrown artists take up the subject of anti-Semitism and intolerance although sometimes they include stereotypical figures, clever Je...
Kraina mlekiem płynąca… O egalitaryzmie barów mlecznych wczoraj i dziś