Nowadays performance of work is increasingly characterized by flexibility of time and place, leading to difficulty in separating the spheres of work and non-work. Frequent performance of professional duties at home requi...
Beginning with Superman and the Golden Age of American Comic Books, by Will Eisner’s graphic novels and Art Spiegelman’s underground stories, till the most recent examples of artists from both American and Francophone co...
Makary Górzyński (2014). Dziewietnastowieczny park miejski w Kaliszu. Historia, władza i komercja w przestrzeni kultury popularnej. Kultura Popularna, 3(37),
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Home sweetwork. Praca w wersji Ikea
Nowadays performance of work is increasingly characterized by flexibility of time and place, leading to difficulty in separating the spheres of work and non-work. Frequent performance of professional duties at home requi...
Dlaczego Superman nie mógł być Żydem? Tożsamość żydowska w komiksie amerykańskim i frankofońskim
Beginning with Superman and the Golden Age of American Comic Books, by Will Eisner’s graphic novels and Art Spiegelman’s underground stories, till the most recent examples of artists from both American and Francophone co...
Zwrot historyczny. Cały numer
Miejska muzyka popularna a tożsamości zbiorowe – gatunki, opowieści, wykonawcy, słuchacze, audiosfera
Internet jako sposób na tabu choroby psychicznej. Analiza przypadku portalu Mam efkę