Dźwiękowa kreacja średniowiecznego Krakowa w przestrzeni muzealnej Podziemi Rynku
Journal Title: Audiosfera. Koncepcje-badania-praktyki - Year 2016, Vol 3, Issue 1
The first part of the article describes the sounds forming an integral part of On the Traces of Cracow’s European Identity in the Underground Tourist Trail in the Main Market Square with the author’s conception for the sonic exhibit. In the second part, these premises are confronted with their reception by the pub lic. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among 100 Poles and 100 foreig- ners who visited the exhibition in July. Respondents spoke positively about the exhibit’s audiosphere, which facilitated their feeling of travel back in time. The author writes about the challenges of reconstructing medieval city sounds – not just in terms of sonorous objects, but above all human voices. She concludes that despite difficulties, museums should continue their work on historical exhibit sonification
Authors and Affiliations
Justyna Kutrzeba
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