E-marketing campaign for a university. Case study.
Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2019, Vol 31, Issue 1
The subject of this work is an e-marketing campaign for a university from theoretical and practical perspective. Starting from a definition of e-marketing and the set of instruments used in e-marketing, the stages of implementation of e-marketing campaigns dedicated to entities from the sector of education will be discussed. Methodology of research for the purposes of the article covered literature studies, meta-analysis of available Internet sources and authors’ own qualitative research with the application of the methods of mystery client and case study. The object of the research is a private university and the subject of research are e-marketing activities, including identified campaigns, conducted for the university. The authors’ goal is to present an e-marketing campaign for a university in theory and practice. The purpose of the article is working out guidelines and recommendations for marketing specialists interested in efficient marketing activities on the Internet for the analyzed entities.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Tarczydło, Joanna Miłoń
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