Eco-friendly livestock management practices followed by tribal households of Narmada valley region of India.
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 2
A field survey was undertaken in Narmada valley region, four taluka of Narmada district of south Gujarat to collect first hand information on management practices of dairy animals followed by tribal peoples. The breeding, health care and milking management practices were studied using pre tested questionnaire through three stage sampling. Two villages, from four taluka were selected. From each village, 10 tribal farmers were selected randomly with a total of 80 respondents. Study revealed that maximum farmers (41.30 %) of this area were less educated belongs to middle age (53.80% 30-50 years) category having medium size family (5-8 members). The estrus detection in cattle was based on sign and symptoms (100.0%) rather than using teaser, moreover main symptoms for identification of animal in heat were bellowing and thin mucus discharge (58.80%). The farmers (86.30%) were observed to inseminate their animals within 12-18 hrs of heat. Method of breeding adopted in area was mostly (46.30%) by combination i.e., Natural and artificial insemination (A.I.). Mostly the pregnancy diagnosis (P.D.) was practiced by 18.80% of the farmers. Dry period was more than three months in both indigenous cows (92.40%) and buffaloes (91.20%). Castration was performed in 72.70% of male animals of age more than 2 years. Vaccination was adopted by 53.80% of farmers. Regular de-worming was also practiced by 3.80 and 7.50% farmers for milch cow and calf respectively. Clean milk production was well adopted by farmers of the area. Knuckling (95.0%) was common method of hand milking followed by full hand type (3.80%) and stripping (1.30%). The management practices followed by tribal farmers of area were exceptional for few facets however most of the practices required to be improved a lot.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Patel, S. Kavad, T. K. Rao
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