Econometric identification of the structures of spatial processes and a problem of data aggregation
Journal Title: Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Ekonomia - Year 2011, Vol 42, Issue 1
The paper concerns the measurement of the dependence between economic spatial processes at various levels of data aggregation. The considerations refer to the investigations confirming efficiency of the so-called quasi-congruent spatial model as a tool of the measurement of the dependence between economic processes, on condition that the model description of the structures of the processes is correct and sufficient. The main problem of the paper is to discuss such a description of the spatial connections, which would be adequate to express the autodependence of the investigated processes. The application of the economic distance, which characterizes the similarity of the regions on the ground of the values of the analyzed processes, is proposed.
Authors and Affiliations
Elżbieta Szulc
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