Economic consequences of the abolition of the financial statements publication requirement
Journal Title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości - Year 2014, Vol 2014, Issue 79
The paper discusses the consequences of the abolition of the requirement of financial statements publica-tion in „Monitor Polski B”. It first explains the connection between the normative act and the information economy theory, particularly information asymmetry and moral hazard. It also points out decreased information efficiency in the over-the-counter segment of the Polish market due to the enacted regula-tions. Then a numerical simulation for the total cost (to Polish economy) of generating financial infor-mation is conducted. The model shows the limitation of the scope of analysis conducted by the ministry of economy. The information threshold is assessed at the level of 7.4 billion zlotys, and the size of the potential additional business services market is estimated. The authors recommend a return to the obliga-tion of publication in the form of electronic documents posted to companies and governmental websites.
Authors and Affiliations
Lucia Staszkiewicz, Piotr Staszkiewicz
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