Economic efficiency of seeds growing of Chicory root depending on complex application of technology elements in the conditions of drop irrigation
Journal Title: «Таврійський науковий вісник» - Year 2018, Vol 100, Issue 1
Results of the research concerning economic efficiency of seeds growing of Chicory root depending on complex of agricultural methods –schemes of root crops planting, top removal and drop irrigation were presented in the article. It was established that all the elements of the methods of Chicory root growing in the conditions of drop irrigation studied in the experiment, provided not only increase in seed yielding capacity but also receiving of high yearly economic effect. The highest yearly economic efficiency of 11 488.6 UAH/ha and profitability level of 67% was obtained under irrigation, when soil moisture was kept at the level of 60% before flowering period, and at the level of 80% of the least moisture capacity during interperiod “flowering –seed ripening”.
Authors and Affiliations
В. П. Миколайко, В. А. Доронін, В. В. Поліщук, Л. М. Карпук
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