Economic globalisation vs. cultural diversity
Journal Title: Roczniki Ekonomiczne Kujawsko Pomorskiej Szkoły Wyższej w Bydgoszczy - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 11
The aim of the research undertaken is the analysis of the impact of economic globalisation on cultural transformations and an attempt at settling the problem of this process effects, i.e. de ciding whether it results, to a greater extent, in social and economic unification or diversification. There are more and more supporters of the opinion that, globally, cultural differences blur, and people representing different cultures gradually become similar to one another, mainly as a result of the Western dominance and the common fascination with the Western products, and, to a smaller extent, thanks to the contact and mixing of mutual cultural interactions. The dominant trends in the contemporary gl obalised world include commercialisation, consumerism, liberalisation, privatisation, eregulation, individualism and competition. However, despite the enormous potential of the so - called global forces to influence cultural changes and the multitude of cha nnels of influencing people, they are not able to impose one global culture on the world. The margin of diversity is still very wide. Moreover, the meetings of different cultures result in the emergence of new cultural varieties. Therefore, on the one hand, the contemporary world is undergoing cultural unification, and, on the other hand, it is a mosaic made up of increasing cultural varieties. It may happen that a positive social capital is developed within a multicultural organisation, characterised by a higher development potential, flexibility, creativity, productivity and innovativeness. Thus, cultural diversity, in which the modern man has to function, can be an asset and a source of advantage over monocultural organisations.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Polak
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