Economic intelligence agencies. Study from the customer's perspective
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 1
Business intelligence agencies. What they in fact are? What they understand by economic intelligence? What is the business intelligence? And what is not according to the research? Who is the customer? And who is sought? And what they are looking for?At first I did not set the hypotheses, because main goal of the research is to immerse and understand the mechanisms of the community on the basis of a clean card, and does not verify the assumptions the researcher. How is written by Bauman and Pilch negligible value of research hypotheses particularly highlighted in the ethnographic research, in which assumptions not only restricts the field of research, but is considered to be harmful, because it creates a false picture of the test of reality. Despite the fact that during the research, I set a list of questions, quickly managed to create research categories, under which are grouped the data collected, which allowed to develop unambiguous conclusions. In the article the image of business intelligence agencies is presented to the market, and also attempt to answer the question – what actually deal with organizations which have in portfolio, services like economic intelligence as well as what to look for in its cooperation with the detective.
Authors and Affiliations
Patrycja Sznajder
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