Economics of Oil Pumpkin Seed Production


Regulations of new CAP reforms moving from product to producer support and now to a more land based approach. This is in response to the challenges facing the sector, many of which are driven by factors that are external to agriculture. These have been identified as economic, environmental and territorial. To achieve these long-term goals, the existing CAP instruments had to be adapted. The reform therefore focused on the operational objectives of delivering more effective policy instruments, designed to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector and its sustainability over the long term. Accordingly there is a great need to restructure the formal crop rotation and to introduce new alternative crops as food industrial crops and vegetables. Both cases have high invested special asset and manual work requirement. This paper as a case study gives an analysis of oil pumpkin seed production, which serves as an example of economic and technological planning a formal crop production farm over 100 hectares. The new crop was introduced as a possibility to face with diversification under the new CAP regime of greening. The economic analysis covers five years of production and financial data on the basis of the given crop rotation.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

András Nábrádi, Madai Hajnalka, Miklós Lapis


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How To Cite

András Nábrádi, Madai Hajnalka, Miklós Lapis (2015). Economics of Oil Pumpkin Seed Production. Roczniki Naukowe Stowarzyszenia Ekonomistów Rolnictwa i Agrobiznesu, 17(6), 204-210.