In highly industrialized and institutionalized societies aiming for maximum efficiency, individual activities must be synchronized with the daily rhythms of a city. As a spatial and institutional realm, the city imposes...
Housing is a basic human good and right. It plays a versatile role, allowing people to fulfil a number of needs, and it is not limited only to one’s immediate living space, but also includes an individual’s wider living...
According to the current European conditions, culture-led urban regeneration policies and practices are being enhanced by the introduction of interdisciplinary innovative approaches. These involve the development of meth...
EP ID EP618883
DOI 10.5379/urbani-izziv-en-2019-30-supplement-002
Views 34
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How To Cite
Jayne M. ROGERSON (2019). Editorial - Urban and spatial challenges in South Africa: Continuing (and extending) the conversation. Urbani izziv, 30(0),
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