Editor’s Introduction: Papers from the 2017 Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference in conjunction with the AAS-in-Asia Conference

Journal Title: International Journal of Korean History - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 1


The February 2018 special issue features articles based on presentations at the 2017 Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference in conjunction with the Association of Asian Studies-in-Asia Conference held at Korea University in Seoul. Inspired by similar conferences in the United States, the graduate students of the Korean History department have organized and sponsored a graduate student conference (the KUKH Graduate Student Conference) for the last four years. Our department is extremely supportive of graduate student work, the exchange of scholarly ideas (especially at the junior level), and up and coming scholarship. As a result of growing interest and support, 57 students from 13 different countries participated in the 2017 graduate student conference. Since the AAS in Asia conference did not accept individual papers, there were many graduate students who wanted to participate but were unable to form a full panel. As a result, these students asked to participate in the KUKH Graduate Student Conference, or join the panels of our Korean History department graduate students. Instead of operating in competition, we believed it would be more constructive to hold an Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference in conjunction with the AAS in Asia conference. Rather than focus on Korean history, we accommodated a broader scope to include Asian Studies in general, and asked students to present on topics related to the AAS in Asia “Beyond Borders and Boundaries” theme. After reviewing the 94 applications, the graduate student organizers grouped together relevant papers to make panels. As a result, 18 students participated in the East Asian History session, 19 students participated in the Korean Literature, Language and Culture session, and 20 students presented in the Chinese and Japanese Studies session.

Authors and Affiliations

Leighanne K. Yuh


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  • EP ID EP26459
  • DOI https://doi.org/10.22372/ijkh.2018.23.1.1
  • Views 361
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How To Cite

Leighanne K. Yuh (2018). Editor’s Introduction: Papers from the 2017 Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference in conjunction with the AAS-in-Asia Conference. International Journal of Korean History, 23(1), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-26459