This article addresses the challenges associated with contemporary models of the indexing and classification of knowledge. The expansiveness and dissemination of new media, particularly that of the Internet, redefines, i...
Tożsamość narracyjna jest kategorią niezbędną dla współczesnej antropologii filozoficznej,a w szczególności dla filozofii podmiotu, co artykuł ten pokaże na przykładzie fenomenu,który Stanely Cavell określa ironią ludzki...
According to the definition of narrative identity introduced by Dan P. McAdams, the presenceof an artist in a public space may be perceived through the prism of Heidegger’s “being-in-the-world”. This form of immersion, w...
It might be thought that little new could be said about the Erechtheum, a building that has been studied in great detail over the centuries. And yet, there are still many uncertainties surrounding its purpose, not least...
MAGISTRI DOCENT Josefa Piepera klasyczna wizja szczęścia
ARCHITECTONIC OF KNOWLEDGE Contemporary Models of the Determination and Classification of Knowledge. Folksonomy and Tagging as Social Mechanisms of Indexing Information
This article addresses the challenges associated with contemporary models of the indexing and classification of knowledge. The expansiveness and dissemination of new media, particularly that of the Internet, redefines, i...
Tożsamość narracyjna: Ironia ludzkiej tożsamości: narracja a problem nieskończoności podmiotu
Tożsamość narracyjna jest kategorią niezbędną dla współczesnej antropologii filozoficznej,a w szczególności dla filozofii podmiotu, co artykuł ten pokaże na przykładzie fenomenu,który Stanely Cavell określa ironią ludzki...
[b]Narrative identity[/b]: Nie jestem tym kim byłam… (I’m not the same as I used to be…) – narrative identity in the artistic work of Justyna Steczkowska
According to the definition of narrative identity introduced by Dan P. McAdams, the presenceof an artist in a public space may be perceived through the prism of Heidegger’s “being-in-the-world”. This form of immersion, w...
IDEA CZŁOWIEKA I BÓSTWA W STAROŻYTNOŚCI CZĘŚĆ I: The Caryatids on the Erechtheum at Athens. Questions of chronology and symbolism
It might be thought that little new could be said about the Erechtheum, a building that has been studied in great detail over the centuries. And yet, there are still many uncertainties surrounding its purpose, not least...