Educational Policу in the EU: Actuality and Practical Significance


Educational policy must be a priority in the activity of state and non-governmental bodies because the stability within the state and the pace of its development depend on a great extent on a policy success in education. Education systems have to cope with various challenges, developments and problems related to their own field of education, but also adapt to international ones in order to compete on the national and international market. The quality of educational policy depends on the activity and the sense of responsibility for the results of the training and education, of all the factors, including students, teachers, and parents and public authorities that determine the state policy in the sphere of education. In this context, it is absolutely necessary to study the advanced experience in the field(in the case of EU countries),increase interest in education and lifelong learning; to organize roundtables, co-practical scientific conferences, interactive activities involving students, teachers, parents, officials from state and non-governmental bodies, etc.

Authors and Affiliations

Ludmila Curos


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  • EP ID EP531352
  • DOI 10.31861/mhpi2018.37-38.117-121
  • Views 89
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How To Cite

Ludmila Curos (2018). Educational Policу in the EU: Actuality and Practical Significance. Історико-політичні проблеми сучасного світу, 37(), 124-129.