Efektifitas Vaksinasi dan Pengasapan pada Model Epidemik Transmisi Penyakit Malaria
Journal Title: Jambura Journal of Mathematics - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 1
In this paper we discuss the epidemic model of malaria transmission by considering vaccines are given to humans and fumigation in mosquitoes. In this model, the human population is divided into four classes, namely susceptible, exposed, infected, and recovered. The mosquito population is divided into three classes, namely susceptible, exposed and infected. Next is done to calculate the base number (ℛ0) which is the expected value of a number of infections per unit of time. At the end of this paper is provided numerical simulations to show the effectiveness of vaccines in humans and fumigation in mosquitoes. The simulation results show that the increase of vaccines effectiveness in human and fumigation effectiveness in mosquito can reduce the reproduction numbers so that within a certain time the disease will disappear from the population.
Authors and Affiliations
Resmawan Resmawan
Efektifitas Vaksinasi dan Pengasapan pada Model Epidemik Transmisi Penyakit Malaria
In this paper we discuss the epidemic model of malaria transmission by considering vaccines are given to humans and fumigation in mosquitoes. In this model, the human population is divided into four classes, namely susce...
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