Effect of Aquatic Program Therapy on Dynamic Balance in Down’s Syndrome Children
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 3
Purpose: to examine the effect of swimming program therapy on dynamic balance in Down’s syndrome patients. Subject: Thirty children suffering from Down’s syndrome ranging in age from 8to 12 years from both sexes. Subjects were divided randomly into two groups of an equal numbers, control group which received selected physical therapy program and study group which received the same treatment program while receiving controlled swimming program for three successive months. Methods: The patients Step Width step Length and Speed was evaluated before and after the suggested treatment program by Balance Master System. The data were collected and analyzed using paired and unpaired t-test to compare the difference between the results. Results: this study revealed that there were significant differences of all the measured variables between the control and study groups Conclusion: swimming therapy program has got clear effect when added to the treatment program in Down’s syndrome children
Authors and Affiliations
Somaia Ali Hamed
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