Effect of bowel Training Program on bowel Continence among Children with fecal Incontinence
Journal Title: IMPACT : International Journal of Research in Applied, Natural and Social Sciences ( IMPACT : IJRANSS ) - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 11
Fecal incontinence (FI) is defined as, inability to control bowel movements, causing feces to leak unexpectedly from the rectum. Bowel training program (BTP), is an ongoing process that is responsive to children and their family needs. The aim of the current study was, to investigate the effect of bowel training program on bowel continence, among children with fecal incontinence. One group pre-post quasi-experimental research design was utilized, to fit the aim of the study. The study was conducted in pediatric colorectal clinics, at Cairo University’s Specialized Pediatric Hospital. A purposive sample of 35 children with FI was included in the study. Data were collected using the following tools: structured interview questionnaire, and the Wexner Continence Score, was developed by Jorge and Wexner (1993), this scale used to assess and evaluate the child’s bowel movement habits and bowel control. The study results revealed that, the majority of children in the study group had lower Wexner continence mean scores, after implementation of BTP and there were statistically significant differences between children, as regards to the total mean score of Wexner continence, before and after the implementation of BTP. The study results concluded that, the BTP was effective in improving the continence abilities of children with fecal incontinence, as well as assist in regulation of the time of bowel elimination, among those children
Authors and Affiliations
Samah Hamdy Abd Elhafeez, Elham Mohamed Ahmed, Afkar Ragab Mohamed, Soheir Abd-Rabu Mohamed, Ahmed Mohamed El Sadat
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