Effect of Economic Level on Students Goal Setting


Poverty is a considerable and growing problem that leaves poor families and persons with a significantly decreased chance of achieving optimal quality of life. Children raised in poverty today will grow up in situations that will give them a small--if not negligible—opportunity of following a path capable of leading them to a distinctly better place than where they started. Research indicates that children from low socioeconomic families as well as society develop academic skills more slowly than children from high socioeconomic groups. Socioeconomic disadvantage and other risk factors linked to poverty have a negative effect on cognitive development, academic success, as well as smaller impacts on behavior. This research contributed to discover of various challenges that low socioeconomic students face. This knowledge will help personalize and improve and increase the interventions the stakeholders use in their practice. A semi-structured survey was administered online to students (6th to 12th grades) across Marengo and Sumter counties, Alabama for a period of six weeks. Analysis of data employed Likert analysis, Descriptive Statistics, and Inferential Statistics to generate, recommendations for relevant stakeholders.

Authors and Affiliations

Hasna Abu Khalid, Dr. Mary Ann Hollingsworth


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How To Cite

Hasna Abu Khalid, Dr. Mary Ann Hollingsworth (2017). Effect of Economic Level on Students Goal Setting. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 6(9), 76-84. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-405697