Effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on growth parameters of pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 4
Global warming is predicted to have negative effect on plant growth due to the damaging effect of high temperature on plant development. The field experiment was conducted during 2014-15 to study effect of elevated CO2 and temperature on growth parameters of pea (Pisum sativum L.) crop in order to check the effect of climate change on vegetable crops. Effect was studied under four conditions i.e. Open Top Chambers, T1: OTC - elevated CO2550±10 ppm; T2: OTC -elevated CO2 550±10 ppm and temperature 1°C; T3: OTC - ambient CO2 and temperature (reference) and T4: natural condition. Maximum plant height at 50 % flowering was recorded in T1 (84.29cm) at elevated CO2 which differed significantly with T2 (79.47cm) at elevated CO2 and temperature, T3 (73.60cm) at ambient CO2 and temperature and natural condition (70.73cm). Minimum days to 50 per cent flowering were recorded in plants growing under T2 (68.56 days). Maximum pollen viability was recorded in T1 (77.42%) followed by T3 (76.36%), T4 (74.65%) and T2 (69.97%). Internode length of plants grown under T1 was maximum (7.01cm) followed by T2 (6.68cm), T3 (6.00cm) and T4 (5.05cm). Elevated temperature and CO2 had significant effects on growth and development in vegetables. Overall, growth parameters of pea crop were affected positively by elevated CO2 whereas under interaction effect of elevated CO2 and temperature these positive effects of CO2 were offset by elevated temperature effect and hampered the growth of pea crop which interns can affect the yield and quality of crop under changing climate scenario.
Authors and Affiliations
Meena Kumari, S. C. Verma, S. K. Bhardwaj, Ashok K. Thakur, Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Rajnish Sharma
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