Effect of extraction technology on antioxidant activity of black chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa, cranberries Vaccinium vitis-idaéa, blueberries Vaccinium myrtillus, raspberries Rubus idaeus, cherries Prunus subg. cérasus, black currant Ribes nigrum
Journal Title: Вестник МГТУ - Year 2019, Vol 22, Issue 3
Foods rich in antioxidants and antioxidant activity reduce the risk of many diseases. To solve the urgent task of creating an optimal technology for extracting a complex of substances with antioxidant action from fruits widely distributed in the Russian Federation (chokeberry Arónia melanocárpa, cowberry Vaccínium vítis-idaéa, bilberry Vaccínium myrtíllus, raspberry Rúbus idáeus, cherries Prúnus subg. cérasus, black currant Ríbes nígrum) a comparative study of influencing ultrasonic exposure and methods of traditional infusion and microwave irradiation on the total content of phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins. The antiradical effect, restoring strength, and antioxidant activity of fruit extracts have been determined as well. Spectrophotometric methods have been used to detect the total content of phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, antiradical activity (when interacting with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl free radical), restoring power (using the FRAP reagent), antioxidant activity (in the "linoleic acid" system). The use of ultrasonic treatment allows obtain higher contents of phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins in the fruit extracts, as well as the values of antiradical activity, restoring power, antioxidant effect. Microwave radiation has a similar effect, although the performance of microwave fruit extracts is lower than that of ultrasonic extracts. It is interesting to note that anthocyanins as the most sensitive to external influences class of compounds are extracted during ultrasonic treatment and stored to the greatest extent. Based on the studies, ultrasonic treatment can be recommended as a method of intensifying the extraction process (at the same temperature and time parameters), which will allow extracts with a higher content of nutraceuticals to be obtained and use them as components of many biologically active additives, as well as cosmetics with high level of antioxidant activity.
Authors and Affiliations
Nadezhda Makarova, Natalia Eremeeva, Dinara Ignatova
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