Effect of fallow and system of tillage on crop yield of element of crop rotation
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 11
The crop data of the crop rotation link (winter rye, spring wheat with clover seed, clover of first-year use, winter rye) of long-term stationary field experiment (second rotation) are presented. Three systems of fall tillage (dumped, combined, nonmoldboard), kinds of fallow (clean, clean with entering of cattle manure 60 t/ha, green–manure mustard, green–manure clover) are being studied. Nonmoldboard tillage in comparison with the dumped and combined led to a decrease in the grain crops yield on average by experience to 2.75 t/ha. By dumped tillage, it amounted to 3.32, combined — 3.07 t/ha of grain units. The meadow clover yield did not depend on the method of tillage — 2.01–2.12 t/ha of grain units. The entering of manure into fallow and clover green–manure fallow ensured the highest yield of winter rye grain — 2.59 and 2.61 t/ha, in the aftereffect of spring wheat — 2.84 and 2.77 t/ha, in control with pure fallow — 2.42 and 2.39 t/ha. The effectiveness of the manure depended on the way it was embedded in fallow. A negative correlation was found between the yield of a cover crop of spring wheat and clover, r = −0,706. The productivity of one hectare of soil, taking into account the depressive influence of individual factors in the manure application variant, was the highest — 2.95, with clean, green–manure mustard and clover fallows — 2.72–2.74 t/ha of grain units. In the conditions of 2015–2018, a positive effect of manure is noted on the yield of all grain crops. The influence of the green–manure clover fallow lasted 2 years. The crops yield on the green–manure mustard fallow was at the level of control with clean fallow. The average yield of grain crops in the variant with pure fallow (control) was 2.83, from entering manure it increased to 3.36, the use of green–manure mustard fallow — increased to 2.97, and clover — to 3.05 t/ha of grain units.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Pegova
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