Effect of Fly Ash and Steel Fibre on Portland Pozzolana Cement Concrete
This paper presents the result of an experimental investigation carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties of concrete with steel fibre and steel fibre fly ash in which portland pozzolana cement was partially replaced with fly ash by weight.The experimental investigation carried out on steel fibres concrete up to a total fibre volume fraction of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% and fly ash in which portland pozzolana cement (PPC) was partially replaced with 30% fly ash. The mechanical properties,compressive strength and splitting tensile strength were studied for concrete prepared.Compressive strength and splitting tensile strength were determined at 7, 28 and, 56 days. The laboratory results showed that addition of steel fibres reinforced fly ash into PPC concrete decreases the strength properties. While the results showed that steel fibres addition into PPC concrete improve the strength properties
Authors and Affiliations
Muntadher Ali Challoob , Vikas Srivastava
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