Effect of graphene as anti-settling agent for magnetorheological fluid
Journal Title: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering - Year 2016, Vol 77, Issue 2
Purpose: Magnetorheological fluids are field-responsive fluids containing magneticparticles suspended in a suitable medium. In this proposed work, the iron powder wasdispersed in silicone oil to obtain magnetorheological fluid. These fluids can be transformedfrom liquid-like state to solid-like state within milliseconds by applying magnetic field andvice versa. The particles arrange as chain like pattern with the application of magneticfield, increasing the yield strength of the fluid. However, when the shear stress reachesthe critical value, the chain like pattern breaks causing reduction in yield strength. One ofthe major limitations of these fluids is that the suspended particles settle down quicklyforming cake like structure at the bottom, which is very difficult to re-disperse.Design/methodology/approach: The present study focuses on increasing theSedimentation time of the fluid by adding suitable Nano additives. For this purposegraphene nanoparticles with atomic thickness were introduced as an additive todecrease the sedimentation of the fluid. The added graphene sheets (gap-fillers) filledthe interspaces of Iron particles and improved the sedimentation resistance. Differentquantities of graphene were added (0.5 g, 1.5 g, 2.5 g and 3.5 g) and their normalizedheight was calculated with time. Interpolation method was also done to find thesedimentation values with Graphene addition which were not done experimentally.Findings: The prepared samples were characterized using Fourier Transform InfraredSpectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscope, Optical Microscopy, Viscometer etc.Contour plot was interpreted to understand the effect of graphene addition towards thenormalized height and viscosity of the fluid.
Authors and Affiliations
J. Thanikachalam, P. Nagaraj, G. S. Hikku
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