Effect of Growth Period Duration on Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Varieties with Conventional and Multivariate Methods and Sensory Evaluation of Green Seed Quality
Journal Title: Iranian Journal of Pulses Research - Year 2024, Vol 15, Issue 2
IntroductionFaba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the oldest cultivated legumes, widely grown in temperate regions and at high altitudes in tropical areas. This crop thrives in wet and cool conditions, while hot and dry weather can severely damage its yield. Therefore, the sowing date must be carefully selected to avoid excessive heat, particularly during the flowering period. In field data analysis, the 'environment' refers to any recommended management practice for producers, such as sowing date, planting density, or fertilizer application. GGE biplot (Genotype plus Genotype-by-Environment biplot) and PLSR (Partial Least Squares Regression) can be used to analyze these datasets. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the interaction between variety and sowing date by multiplicative models such as SREG and GGE biplot and to evaluate the quality of varieties using a sensory panel. Materials and MethodsThe present experiment was carried out in a split plot based on randomized complete block design with three replications in Soamesera, Gilan province. The main factor in this experiment was sowing date (11 November, 11 December, 10 January and 9 February) and the split factor was faba bean varieties (Guilan landrace, Barakat, Feiz, Shadan and Mahta). Evaluation of the effect of sowing date was caried out by analysis of variance, mean comparison, GGE biplot and PLSR methods by GEA-R software. A sensory panel was used to evaluate the quality of taste in the fresh seeds of bean varieties obtained from the first sowing date by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U using SPSS software. Results and DiscussionAnalysis of variance showed that the effect of variety were significant on all traits including days to emergence, days to pod formation, plant height, green pod length, stems per plant, seeds per pod, pods per plant, hundred seed weight, green pod yield, biological yield and harvest index. The effect of sowing date was significant on all traits except stems per plant. The interaction effect of two factors was also significant on all traits except days to emergence and stems per plant. For traits with significant interaction between two factors, the mean comparison of variety (sub factor) was carried out at each level of sowing date (main factor). Days to pod formation, plant height and pods per plant in all varieties had a downward trend from the first to the fourth sowing date. Feiz had the longest length of green pods and the highest number of seeds per pod in all of sowing dates. Mahta and Shadan with smaller seed size had more pods per plant than other varieties. Shadan and Faiz had more hundred seed weight compared to other varieties in the late sowing dates. The highest seed yield was obtained in Shadan (431.65 g.m-2) on 11 November and the lowest yield was obtained in the Guilan landrace (75.65 g.m-2) on 9 February. With the delay in sowing, the seed yield decreased in Barkat, Feiz and Guilan landrace, but in Mahta and Shadan, with the delay in sowing, the seed yield decreased until the third sowing date, and again increased on the fourth sowing date. GGE biplot analysis showed that Barkat, Feiz and Shadan had the highest; and Mahta and Guilan landrace had the lowest seed yield. Also, Faiz and Guilan landrace had more stable yield in different sowing dates. Based on another view of GGE biplot, the best genotype for first sowing date was Guilan landrace; for second sowing date, Feiz; for third sowing date, Barket; and for fourth sowing date, Shadan and Faiz. In PLSR approach was investigated the relationship between the dependent variable (seed yield, Y) and the climatic explanatory variables (X variables). The results showed that the genotypes had different responses to different sowing dates and also their climatic needs were different, so that Mahta, Shadan and Barkat were more under the influence of temperature factors at the end of the growing season, and Faiz and Guilan landrace were more under the influence of temperature factors at the beginning of the growing season, as well as the amount of precipitation and evaporation in whole period of growth. Wide temperature range (difference between high and low temperature) at the end of the growing season has a negative effect on the yield of Feiz and Guilan landrace, while low temperature at the beginning of the growing season has a positive effect on these genotypes. Evaluation of the quality of taste with a sensory panel in the fresh seeds showed that Feiz had the highest rank of taste among the varieties. ConclusionsIn conclusion, although Guilan landrace and Feiz had more stability of yield in comparison with other varieties, considering the higher yield of Faiz compared to Guilan landrace and also its superiority in the sensory panel, this variety can be considered as a substitute for Guilan landrace faba bean in Guilan province. Also, the results of this study show the significant reaction of the seed yield of all five varieties to the sowing date and the necessity of timely sowing to achieve high yield. According to the results of this study, the best time to sowing broad beans in all five varieties was on the 11 November and 11 December; and in case of delay in sowing, Feiz are more recommendable than other varieties.
Authors and Affiliations
Arman Kazemi,Peyman Sharifi,Nosaibeh Nezamdust,
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