Effect of heat treatment on colour and glossiness properties of zebrano, sapelli and merbau woods
Journal Title: Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1
Heat treatment is one of the methods of wood modification and it is known that it changes the technological properties of wood. In this study, the determination of the colour and glossiness values on the wood species which heat treated according to ThermoWood method (at 212oC for 1 hour and 2 hours) that is obtained from, zebrano (Microberlinia brazzavillensis), sapelli (Entandrphragma cylindrocum) and merbau (Intsia bijuga) was aimed. The colour and glossiness values were determined on samples prepared from different tree species. Lightness (L*) and yellow colour (b*) tone values were decreased by heat treatment. The glossiness values of the test specimens were also changed by heat treatment application. According to these results; the highest total colour difference value (ΔE*) was determined on merbau samples, the lowest total colour difference value (ΔE*) was determined on sapelli samples. According to obtained data; it can be said that the colour and glossiness values of wood of zebrano, sapelli and merbau was affected by heat treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Ümit Ayata
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