Effect of salinity on vegetative growth, antioxidant and defensive enzymes in ginger (Zingber officinale Roscoe.)
Journal Title: Journal of Herbal Drugs - Year 2010, Vol 1, Issue 1
Background & Aim: Ginger is common named Zingber officinale Roscoe. belongs to Zingiberaceae family which extensively used to pharmaceutic industries in addition to food industries uses. Dut to Iran is located at world saline lands, salinity is a main problem to native and nonnative plant species cultivation such as ginger and because in plants salinity induces antioxidative and defensive systems, therefor the effect of salinity on ginger was considered in this research. Experimental: This plan was done in a random block design with three replications. Salt treatment was done at four levels by using NaCl in hogland nutrient solution in different salinity levels: 2 (control), 4, 6 and 8 dsm-1 for 14 days when the palnt was one month. Results & Discussion: Our results revealed that ginger has a moderately salt tolerance, because only 6 and 8 dsm-1 caused reduction in chlorophyll a, b and chlorophyll content and a/b ratio and consequently growth and dry mater accumulation. In spite of negative effect of salinity on ginger vegetative growth, antioxidant and defensive enzymes activity such as catalase, PAL and TAL was increased at 4 dsm-1 as compared with control but these enzymes activity was decrease at 6 and 8 dsm-1.
Authors and Affiliations
Imaneh Dehghani; Akbar Mostajeran
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