Effect of Soil and Foliar Nitrogen Application on Growth, Yield and Quality of Baby Corn Cultivars
Journal Title: Journal of Experimental Agriculture International - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 3
An imperative nitrogen management schedule attempted for the first time using soil application fb (followed by) foliar application at harvest stage to improve productivity and quality of baby corn. A two year study carried out in winter season with three cultivars and six schedules of recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) application. Nitrogen scheduling in two, three and four splits compared on composite and hybrid cultivars. Crop growth, productivity traits, picking wise cob and corn yields, quality, plant nutrient ratios and nutrient harvest indices were determined. Cultivars followed the order HM-4>HQPM-1>Azad Uttam for yield components, yield and quality. HM-4 gave 7.0% and 31.6% higher mean baby corn yields than HQPM-1 and Azad Uttam. Soil fb foliar RDN application in 4 splits [50% as basal (B), 25% at knee height stage (KHS), 20% at tassel emergence (TE) fb 5% foliar spray after first picking (FSAFP)] recorded higher yield attributes, baby cob and corn yields, and quality. Cultivars and N application schedules influenced nutrient ratios. Nutrient harvest indices also varied in response to N application schedule. HM-4 can be cultivated with RDN (150 kg ha-1) in 4 splits (soil fb foliar) for attaining better yield and quality of winter baby corn. Further studies are required for better understanding of combined approach under diverse conditions.
Authors and Affiliations
M. P. Neupane, S. P. Singh, U. Sai Sravan, Abhishek Singh
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