Effect on the Cornea Structure of the Ultraviolet Emitted from the Arc Welding

Journal Title: Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 1


Purpose: To evaluate the effects of Ultraviolet (UV) on the cornea. Materials and Methods: All patients underwent slit lamp examination. After being given a treatment kontrolera were performed.We used to show Sodium fluorescein corneal epithelial pathology. Patients pain, redness, we have recorded the punctate keratitis e conjunctivitis symptoms. Anterior segment images were evaluated. Changes in corneal epithelium were evaluated. Patients were examined whether or not to wear protective goggles. Results: Fifty-four of the sixty patients were men and the others were female. Average age are 47.5±10.5 and 33,15±12,95 years (ranging from 18 to 75 years) respectively. 95% of the patients were also cause eye pain, it has been obtained eye redness in %5, punctuate keratitis in %100 of patients. 60% of the patients had conjunctivitis. Conclusions: Ultraviolet radiation causes damage on corneal structures, depending on the wavelength and exposure time

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Ali ŞİMŞEK, Tanju TEKER, Eyyüp Murat KARAKURT, Alper YALCIN (2016). Effect on the Cornea Structure of the Ultraviolet Emitted from the Arc Welding. Health Sciences Journal of Adıyaman University, 2(1), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-677376