Effectiveness of holistic physiotherapy for low back pain
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2009, Vol 11, Issue 6
Introduction. Low back pain is a term used to designate a wide and complex assemblage of symptoms that has become a cause of disability in the 21st century man. Until recently, it was believed that low back pain was caused by intervertebral disc disease and degenerative processes. At present, an increasing number of studies are linking the condition to conditions of osteoarticular and musculoligamentous structures in the spine and the associated statics of the pelvis. Material and methods. The study compared the outcomes of two different physiotherapeutic approaches to treatment of low back pain in a group of 60 female patients. In the experimental group, a customised programme of treatment was based on post-isometric relaxation of muscles and ligaments, active mobilisation of the spine, Kibler Fold mobilisation, Kinesiology Taping and Maigne’s relaxing exercises. The control group underwent electrotherapy procedures and performed a set of exercises usually recommended for low back pain. Intensity of pain and difficulty in performing daily activities were evaluated at baseline and on completion of the treatment: the measurements included mobility of the spine, static balance of the pelvis, tenderness and tension of muscles and ligaments and presence of cell-pain zones. Statistical analysis used basic statistics concerning the distribution of the examined characteristics and a comparison of means in independent groups using the Mann–Whitney U test. Results. As a result of the treatment, low back pain was reduced in about 90% of patients in the experimental group, while static balance of the pelvis, tone of muscles and ligaments and spinal mobility improved in approximately 80% of these patients. In the control group, radiating pain decreased in 25% of participants, while the other parameters did not change significantly. The results were statistically significant at p < 0.05.Conclusions. These results confirm a high effectiveness of holistic physiotherapy including elements of osteopathy such as post-isometric muscle relaxation, active mobilisation, Kibler Fold mobilisation, customised self-therapy and Kinesiology Taping.
Authors and Affiliations
Agnieszka Adamczyk , Wojciech Kiebzak , Magdalena Wilk – Frańczuk, Zbigniew Śliwiński
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