Effectiveness of Home Care Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Parents Regarding Home Care Management of Their Children with Thalassemia in Coronation Hospital, Dalanwala, Dehradun
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2020, Vol 4, Issue 6
Thalassemia is an inbred blood disorder caused when the body doesn’t make enough protein called hemoglobin. While the number of Thalassemia growing in India, because people lack adequate knowledge about Thalassemia. About 100,000 babies worldwide are born with severe forms of Thalassemia each year. It is estimated that there are about 65,000 67,000 ß Thalassemia patients in our country with around 9,000 10,000 cases being added every year. It is the responsibility of government, health professionals and society to support and encourage preventive programs, in order to reduce the burden of the disease. Home Care Teaching programme is a vital tool by that the quality of life of their children can be improved and Knowledge enhanced. The nature of the study was Pre Experimental one group pre test post test design .The study was conducted in coronation hospital Dehradun. The conceptual framework used for this study is based on General System Model. The research design used for the study was one group pre test, posttest design. Data was collected using non probability convenient sampling. The data was collected to assess the effectiveness of Home Care Management among 60 parents of Thalassemia children regarding improvement of their knowledge score. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used for the data collection. The data collected were analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive and inferential statistics. In my study finding reveals that the Posttest level of knowledge score is significant higher than Pretest mean level of knowledge score. After administering home care teaching programme the Posttest score Mean=25.5, SD= 3.94 in comparison with the Pretest score mean = 16.15, SD = 5.17 .The statistical paired “t” Test level for overall level of knowledge score is found 11.57 that is greater than table values 2.00 at p 0.05 Level of significance Hence the hypothesis H1 is accepted. The demographic variables such as age of the parents , types of the family, birth order of the child, education of the parents, area of living, source of information, knowledge regarding homecare management of their child shows statistical no significant association with the pretest level of knowledge. As the tabulated value is more than the calculated value, research hypothesis H2 rejected and statistical hypothesis accepted at less than 0.05 shows that the level of knowledge increased after intervention of Home Care Teaching programme. There it can be said that the home care teaching programme is effective among parents of Thalassemiac children regarding home care management. This study reveals that there is lack of knowledge among parents about the care of their child at home. Ms. Naina Garg "Effectiveness of Home Care Teaching Programme on Knowledge of Parents Regarding Home Care Management of Their Children with Thalassemia in Coronation Hospital, Dalanwala, Dehradun" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd30894.pdf Paper Url: https://www.ijtsrd.com/medicine/nursing/30894/effectiveness-of-home-care-teaching-programme-on-knowledge-of-parents-regarding-home-care-management-of-their-children-with-thalassemia-in-coronation-hospital-dalanwala-dehradun/ms-naina-garg
Authors and Affiliations
Ms. Naina Garg
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