Effects of Destination Attributes on Tourists’ Behavioral Intentions to Kuala Selangor
Journal Title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 16
Study the tourists’ satisfaction on destination attributes is vital for successful destination marketing as it plays an important role in increasing the country economic growth. Besides, it is important to discover new attributes of destination image to strengthen the image construct, and it also played a significant role in tourist satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the influence of destination attributes and their behavioral intentions in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia. A convenient sampling technique was used to select the sample. A total of 313 questionnaires were distributed to tourists at Kuala Selangor and were returned. The result from the finding suggests that tourists who have higher perceptions of the destination attributes of Kuala Selangor are more likely to have a positive experience and increasing behavioral intentions to revisit. Therefore, Kuala Selangor destination marketers need to pay attention to provide customers with unique experiences to ensure their relationship with the customer through repeat visitation.
Authors and Affiliations
Mazlina Mahdzar, Arni Abd Gani
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