Effects of GeoGebra Software Package on the Mathematics Performance of Senior Secondary Students with Dyscalculia in Bayelsa State Nigeria
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2020, Vol 5, Issue 1
This study investigated the effects of GeoGebra software package on the mathematics performance of senior secondary students with dyscalculia in Bayelsa State Nigeria. Two research questions and two null hypotheses were answered and tested at 0.05 significant level respectively. The pretest post test quasi experimental research design was employed. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition WISC V was used to identify and select a sample of 38 students with dyscalculia. TCAT was used to measure students’ performance in Trigonometry. The KR 21 was used to obtain a reliability index of 0.81.The descriptive statistic and Analysis of Covariance ANCOVA were employed for statistical data analysis. The study found that the use of GeoGebra software package improved the performance of dyscalculic students in trigonometry than those who were taught with deductive teaching method. The study also found that there no significant difference between effect of the use of GSP to teach the male and the female dyscalculic students trigonometry over the use of DIM. It was therefore recommended that mathematics teachers should embrace the use of technology Geogebra software and other innovative instructional strategies to enhance the academic performance of students with dyscalculia. Oti, Blessing Onyinyechi | George, Nchelem Rosemary "Effects of GeoGebra Software Package on the Mathematics Performance of Senior Secondary Students with Dyscalculia in Bayelsa State Nigeria" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-1 , December 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd38235.pdf Paper URL : https://www.ijtsrd.com/mathemetics/other/38235/effects-of-geogebra-software-package-on-the-mathematics-performance-of-senior-secondary-students-with-dyscalculia-in-bayelsa-state-nigeria/oti-blessing-onyinyechi
Authors and Affiliations
Oti, Blessing Onyinyechi | George, Nchelem Rosemary
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