Effects of pranayama and aerobic exercise on anxiety status of medical students
First year medical students are worse psychosocially at the end of year, than when they enrolled. They experience anxiety before confronting examinations, and presentations. Present study is to find out whether regular Pranayama or Aerobics can relieve anxiety, and improve their academic performance .Total 120 Medical students participated in the study. 40, for pranayama, 40, for aerobics and 40 were controls Anxiety status was assessed by Hamilton anxiety scale (HAS 1959) and Well Being status was assessed by WHO five well being index (version 1998). before and after training. One group was doing pranayama and other group was doing aerobics every day in the morning for half an hour under expert guidance for 30 days. There was significant reduction of anxiety, well being score also showed highly significant increase. Pranayama and aerobics have remarkable effect to relax mind and body. It is recommended that these should be included in the curriculum in order to keep the medical students mentally and physically fit to face the challenge of profession.
Authors and Affiliations
Usha Patil , V. M. Ruikar , Surekha Vaidya , Smita Shinde , Supriya Divekar , Savita Kittad
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