Effects of stabilization with cement on mechanical properties of cohesive soil – sandy-silty clay


Ground improvement as stabilization with cement have its impact on soft soils as sandy clay in engineering constructions. Stabilized soils are also used in foundation design where improvement of mechanical properties is needed. Because of this reasons knowledge of physical and mechanical properties is needed. The relationship stress-strain of soils stabilized with cement is often unclear and strength characteristics need to be clear. In this paper results of physical and mechanical properties soil stabilized with cement was presented

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How To Cite

WOJCIECH SAS, ANDRZEJ GŁUCHOWSKI (2013). Effects of stabilization with cement on mechanical properties of cohesive soil – sandy-silty clay. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 45(2), 193-205. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-104729