Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Evolvulus alsinoides Linn on Sperm Parameters and the Histology of the Testis in Adult Wistar Albino Rats
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 9
Abstract: Evolvulus alsinoidesLinn. Is a medicinal plant that belongs to the family convolvulaceae. This study seeks to evaluate the effects of the aqueous extract of Evolvulus alsinoides Linn. on sperm parameters and the testis. A total of fifty (50) Wistar albino rats weighing 135-150g were used in this research. The rats were divided into five (I-V) Groups of ten (10) rats each. Group I was designated as the control group and was administered with distilled water, while groups II, III and IV were administered with 150 mgkg-1, 250 mgkg-1 and 350 mgkg-1 of the extract respectively. Group V received 350 mgkg-1 and was allowed for 14-day recovery period. The rats in the treated groups were administered with the extract by gavage and approximately the same time daily for 28 days. Sperm parameters (sperm concentration, morphology and motility) were estimated using standard established methods. Administration of 250 mgkg-1 and 350 mgkg-1 of the extract caused a significant (P<0.005) decrease in body weight gain. While the post recovery group revealed a significant (P<0.005) increase in body weight gain. Absolute testicular weight showed a significant decrease at a dose of 350 mgkg-1. Ratio of testis-body weight did not show any significant variation in all the treated groups. Sperm parameters in all the treated groups as well the post recovery group did not show any significant difference. Histological sections from the control group and the group administered with 150 mgkg-1 were normal. While the groups administered with 250 mgkg-1, 350 mgkg-1 and the post recovery group showed interstitial vascular congestions. In conclusion, no obvious effects were observed on sperm parameters. However, the vascular congestions observed at histological level may hinder blood and nutrient supply to the testicular tissues and hence affect fertility. Keywords:Evolvulus alsinoides, Testis, Epididymis, Sperm, Morphology, Motility, Vascular congestion
Authors and Affiliations
Isa ZA, Garba SH
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